Data Black Holes - Are Data Silos Undermining Digital Transformation?

Webinar Recording


The existence of data silos is nothing new. Data-producing applications were once isolated systems. They were built to at least partially automate a specific subtask of a business process. Today, data-based insights are being used to automate decisions. The goal is to make business processes faster, more efficient and less vulnerable to risk. Analytics-driven insights are also expected to drive business innovation.

In a global survey, BARC examined the implications of data silos for the data-driven enterprise as well as approaches being adopted by companies to break down the barriers of data (and knowledge) silos.


Take part in our webinar on the study and: 

  • receive the study results
  • hear the views of BARC analysts and software vendors on the results of the study
  • ask your own questions to the BARC analysts and software vendors. 

If you are interested in the event but don't have time to attend the webinar on June 22nd, please go ahead and register anyway. Your registration will ensure that we send you a link to the video recording afterwards.

Register for free and discuss the results with our sponsors.

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